How-To: Install And Configure Neo4j On Ubuntu 22.04
This guide contains instructions on how to install and perform basic configuration of the community edition of Neo4j on a Ubuntu 22.04 machine.
From our partners:
01. Open a terminal window
02. Update the package repository list
$ sudo apt update
03. Install Java. This will install the default JDK, currently OpenJDK 11 at the time of this writing. Other possible candidates are Oracle Java 8 or IBM Java 8. Enter with y, when asked to confirm installation. For installation and management of Java, see here[link to article].
$ sudo apt install default-jdk
04. Verify that Java has been installed.
$ java -version
05. Update the package repository to include Neo4j.
$ sudo wget -O - | sudo apt-key add -
$ echo 'deb stable latest' | sudo tee /etc/apt/sources.list.d/neo4j.list
$ sudo apt-get update
06. Install Neo4j, Enter y when asked to confirm.
$ sudo apt install neo4j
07. Verify that Neo4j has been installed.
$ neo4j --version
Accept database connection from anywhere
Use only in a development environment, this poses a security concern when applied in a production environment.
01. Edit the neo4j configuration
$ sudo nano /etc/neo4j/neo4j.conf
02. Un-comment the following config to make the Neo4j web browser accessible anywhere.
03. Restart the services to apply the changes
$ sudo service neo4j restart
Disable web authentication
Use only in a development environment, this poses a security concern when applied in a production environment.
01. Edit the neo4j configuration
$ sudo nano /etc/neo4j/neo4j.conf
02. Un-comment the following config to disable authentication.
03. Restart the services to apply the changes
$ sudo service neo4j restart
Accessing the web console
01. View the important information by performing a curl on
02. Access the web console at or http://{[public-ip-address}}:7474 or the domain when mapped with a DNS.
Note: The following images uses ports that are 37474 and 37687, these are tunnelling through a different port. If installed on a local machine it will be accessible via and the bolt direct at bolt://
The default password for the neo4j user is neo4j, but if authentication was disabled, this can be left blank.
Uninstalling Neo4j
01. Uninstall neo4j. Confirm the removal with “y”.
$ sudo apt remove neo4j
02. Perform cleanup, removing unused packages like the Cypher Shell.
$ sudo apt autoclean$ sudo apt autoremove
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