More code smells. No joke.
Let’s look at some possible solutions.
From our partners:
Most of these smells are just hints of something that might be wrong. They are not rigid rules.
This is part V. Part I can be found here, Part II here, Part III is here, Part IV here, part V, VI, VII, VIII and IX.
Let’s continue…
Code Smell 46 — Repeated Code
DRY is our mantra. Teachers tell us to remove duplication. We need to go beyond.
- Code Duplication
- Maintainability
- Don’t Repeat Yourself
- Find repeated patterns (not repeated code).
- Create an abstraction.
- Parametrize abstraction calls.
- Use composition and never inheritance.
- Unit test new abstraction.
Sample Code
<? final class WordProcessor { function replaceText(string $patternToFind, string $textToReplace) { $this->text = '<<<' . str_replace($patternToFind, $textToReplace, $this->text) . '>>>'; } } final class Obfuscator { function obfuscate(string $patternToFind, string $textToReplace) { $this->text = strlower(str_ireplace($patternToFind, $textToReplace, $this->text)); } }
<? final class TextReplacer { function replace(string $patternToFind, string $textToReplace, string $subject, string $replaceFunctionName, $postProcessClosure) { return $postProcessClosure($replaceFunctionName($patternToFind, $textToReplace, $subject)); } } //Lots of tests on text replacer so we can gain confidence. final class WordProcessor { function replaceText(string $patternToFind, string $textToReplace) { $this->text = (new TextReplacer())->replace($patternToFind, $textToReplace, $this->text, 'str_replace', fn($text) => '<<<' . $text . '>>>'); } } final class Obfuscator { function obfuscate(string $patternToFind, string $textToReplace) { $this->text = (new TextReplacer())->replace($patternToFind, $textToReplace, $this->text, 'str_ireplace', fn($text) => strlower($text)); } }
Linters can find repeated code.
There are not very good finding similar patterns.
Maybe soon machine learning will help us find such abstractions automatically.
For now, it is up to us, humans.
- Duplication
Repeated code is always a smell.
Copying and pasting code is always a shame.
With our refactoring tools, we need to accept the duplication remove challenge trusting our tests as a safety net.
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Copy and paste is a design error.
– David Parnas
Code Smell 47 — Diagrams
Diagrams are not code. They cannot be a code smell. They are just Diagram Smells.
- Maintainability
- Trash code
- Code Duplication
- Diagrams focus only on structure (accidental) and not behavior (essential).
- Use diagrams only to communicate ideas with other humans.
- Program on your favorite IDE.Thrash all diagrams.
- Even the ones generated from the source code.
- Trust your tests. They are alive and well maintained.
- Use Domain Driven Design technique.
Sample Code
w<? final class BookItem { //No. We will not inherit from concrete class Book since this is another smell //No. We will not list a bunch of anemic attributes. since yet this is another smell function numberOfPages() { // } function language(): Language { // } function book(): Book { //Book can tell us a lot about her/his author, title etc. } function edition(): BookEdition { //.. } //Loan and overdues are not book items responsibility } final class LoanTracker { function loan(BookItem $bookCopy, LibraryUser $reader, DatePeriod $loanDates) { //DatePeriod is better than anemic $fromDate and $toDate } } final class LoanTrackerTests extends TestCase { //Lots of maintained tests telling us how the system really works }
We can remove all code annotations and forbid them by policy.
Designing is a contact sport. We need to prototype and learn from our running models.
Papers and JPGs don’t run. They live in the utopic world where everything works smoothly.
CASE was a very hot trend back in the 90s. No good system was developed with these tools.
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The Diagram is Not the Model. The model is not the diagram. It is an abstraction, a set of concepts and relationships between them.
– Eric Evans
Code Smell 48 — Code Without Standards
Working on a solo project is easy. Unless you go back to it after some months. Working with many other developers requires some agreements.
- Maintainability
- Readability
- Automate your styles and indentation.
- Enforce agreed policies.
Sample Code
Correct sample taken from Sandro Mancuso’s bank kata
package org.craftedsw.domain; import static org.craftedsw.domain.Amount.amountOf; import; import java.util.Date; public class MY_Account { //Some class have different case, underscores private Statement privStatement; //Attributes have visibility prefixes private Amount currentbalance = amountOf(0); public SetAccount(Statement statement) { this.statement = statement; } //Setters and getters are not normalized public GiveAccount(Statement statement) { this.statement = statement; } //Indentation is not uniform public void deposit(Amount value, Date date) { recordTransaction(value, date); //some variables are named after type and not role. } public void extraction(Amount value, Date date) { recordTransaction(value.negative(), date); //the opposite of *deposit* should be withdrawal } public void voidPrintStatement(PrintStream printer) { statement.printToPrinter(printer); //Name is redundant } private void privRecordTransactionAfterEnteredthabalance(Amount value, Date date) { Transaction transaction = new Transaction(value, date); Amount balanceAfterTransaction = transaction.balanceAfterTransaction(balance); balance = balanceAfterTransaction; statement.addANewLineContainingTransation(transaction, balanceAfterTransaction); //naming is not uniform } }
The right example has several other smells, but we keep it loyal to its GIT version in order to show only code standardization issues.
package org.craftedsw.domain; import static org.craftedsw.domain.Amount.amountOf; import; import java.util.Date; public class Account { private Statement statement; private Amount balance = amountOf(0); public Account(Statement statement) { this.statement = statement; } public void deposit(Amount value, Date date) { recordTransaction(value, date); } public void withdrawal(Amount value, Date date) { recordTransaction(value.negative(), date); } public void printStatement(PrintStream printer) { statement.printTo(printer); } private void recordTransaction(Amount value, Date date) { Transaction transaction = new Transaction(value, date); Amount balanceAfterTransaction = transaction.balanceAfterTransaction(balance); balance = balanceAfterTransaction; statement.addLineContaining(transaction, balanceAfterTransaction); } }
Linters and IDEs should test coding standards before a merge request is approved.
We can add our own naming conventions related to Objects, Classes, Interfaces, Modules etc.
- Standardization
Use coding standards in your projects.
A well-written clean code always follows standards about naming conventions, formatting and code style.
Such standards are helpful because they make things clear and deterministic for the ones who read your code, including yourself.
Code styling should be automatic and mandatory on large organizations to enforce Collective Ownership.
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The nice thing about standards is that there are so many to choose from.
– Andrew S. Tannenbaum
Code Smell 49 — Caches
Caches are sexy. They are a one-night stand. We need to avoid them in a long-term relationship.
- Coupling
- Testability
- Cache invalidation.
- Maintainability
- Premature Optimization
- Erratic Behavior
- Lack of transparency
- Non-Deterministic behavior
- If you have a conclusive benchmark and are willing to pay for some coupling: Put an object in the middle.
- Unit test all your invalidation scenarios. Experience shows we face them in an incremental way.
- Look for a real world cache metaphor and model it.
Sample Code
<? final class Book { private $cachedBooks; public function getBooksFromDatabaseByTitle(string $title) { if (isset($cachedBooks[$title])) { return $cachedBooks[$title]; } else { return $this->doGetBooksFromDatabaseByTitle($title); } } private function doGetBooksFromDatabaseByTitle(string $title) { globalDatabase()->selectFrom('Books', 'WHERE TITLE = ' . $title); } }
<? final class Book { //Just Book related Stuff } interface BookRetriever { public function bookByTitle(string $title); } final class DatabaseLibrarian implements BookRetriever { public function bookByTitle(string $title) { //Go to the database (not global hopefully) } } final class HotSpotLibrarian implements BookRetriever { //We always look for real life metaphors private $inbox; private $realRetriever; public function bookByTitle(string $title) { if ($this->inbox->includesTitle($title)) { //We are lucky. Someone has just returned the book copy. return $this->inbox->retrieveAndRemove($title); } else { return $this->realRetriever->bookByTitle($title); } } }
This is a design smell.
It will be difficult to enforce by policy.
- Premature Optimization
Caches should be functional and intelligent.
In this way we can manage invalidation.
General purpose caches are suitable only for low level objects like operating systems, files and streams.
We shouldn’t cache domain objects.
This page is hosted on a cached website.
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There are only two hard things in Computer Science: cache invalidation and naming things.
– Phil Karlton
Code Smell 50 — Object Keys
Primary keys, IDs, references. The first attribute we add to our objects. They don’t exist in the real world.
- Coupling
- Accidental Implementation
- Bijection Principle Violation.
- Reference object to objects.
- Build a MAPPER.
- Only use keys if you need to provide an external (accidental) reference. Databases, APIs, Serializations.
- Use dark keys or GUIDs when possible.
- If you are afraid of getting a big relation graph use proxies or lazy loading.
- Don’t use DTOs.
Sample Code
class Teacher { static getByID(id) { //go to the coupled database } constructor(id, fullName) { = id; this.fullName = fullName; } } class School { static getByID(id) { //go to the coupled database } constructor(id, address) { = id; this.address = address; } } class Student { constructor(firstName, lastName, id, teacherId, schoolId) { this.firstName = firstName; this.lastName = lastName; = id; this.teacherId = teacherId; this.schoolId = schoolId; } school() { return School.getById(this.schoolId); } teacher() { return Teacher.getById(this.teacherId); } }
class Teacher { constructor(fullName) { this.fullName = fullName; } } class School { constructor(address) { this.address = address; } } class Student { constructor(firstName, lastName, teacher, school) { this.firstName = firstName; this.lastName = lastName; this.teacher = teacher; = school; } } //If need to expose a School to an external API or a Database. Another object (not school) will keep the mapping externalId<->school and so on
This is a design policy.
We can enforce business objects to warn us if we define an attribute or function including the sequence id.
- Accidental
Ids are not necessary for OOP. You reference objects (essential) and never ids (accidental).
In case you need to provide a reference out of your system’s scope (APIs, interfaces, Serializations) use dark and meaningless IDs (GUIDs).
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The nice thing about standards is that there are so many to choose from.
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