IntelliJ IDEA is an IDE (Integrated Development Environment) for the Java programming. language.
From our partners:
- Ubuntu 18.04
01. Download the installer at the IntelliJ IDEA official website. Select from either Ultimate or Community.
02. Download the installer into the local machine.
03. Open a terminal window, change directory to the downloaded file. Execute the following.
# FORMAT $ cd {{download folder}} $ tar xvzf ideaIU_{{version}}.tar.gz -C {{destination-directory}} # EXAMPLE $ cd ~/Downloads $ tar xvzf ideaIU-2019.2.1.tar.gz -C ~/dev/
04. Navigate to the extracted destination directory and run the following to run IntelliJ IDEA.
</pre> # FORMAT $ cd {{destination-directory}}/{{intellij-version}} $ bin/idea.sh # EXAMPLE $ cd ~/dev/idea-IU-192.6262.58/ $ bin/idea.sh
05. If a previous version of IntelliJ IDEA is installed an option to import previous setting will be shown. This will import project workspace and IDE settings. Choose the preferred option.
06. Choose default theme, then click “Next : Desktop Entry”
07. (Optional) Enable the option to add a Desktop entry for a shortcut. Click “Next : Launcher Script”
08. (Optional) Setting a Launch script. Click “Next : Default plugins”.
09. (Optional) Customize the tools that can be used within IntelliJ IDEA. Then click “Next : Featured Plugins”
10. This step has the option to install other plugins. Select “Start using IntelliJ IDEA” to continue.
11. For existing users with activated account, the option to enter the activation code is available. Else use “Evaluate for free” option.
12. Congratulations! IntelliJ IDEA is now ready for use.
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